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CC Cultural Coalition Now Accepting Grant Applications

Crook County Foundation

The Crook County Cultural Coalition is now accepting applications for our annual arts and cultural grants program. Deadline is November 15.  The applications for grant funding is welcome from all sectors within the culture field, including the arts, heritage, and the humanities.

Grant funding is sponsored by the Oregon Cultural Trust and must support projects and activities that address one of the six priorities outlined within the Crook County Cultural Plan: 1. Engage youth in the arts, heritage and culture. 2. Protect the investment in existing cultural resources. 3. Provide programs for young adults to further their cultural development. 4. Support cultural programs that stimulate economic growth. 5. Encourage broader appreciation of the cultural traditions of diverse ethnic groups. 6. Foster local cultural identity and improve marketing and promotion of a variety of cultural activities/opportunities. Grant awards available up to $5,000 each. The most competitive applications will provide some matching resources, either in contributed goods and services or cash funding. Applications will be accepted from Crook County-based humanities, heritage and arts organizations. Learn more at



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